Would you like to encourage your sisters in Christ in their walk with the Lord? We’ve handpicked a selection of delightful gift ideas to complement our Bible studies. Each of our books feature a range of thoughtfully curated items that make for a perfect gift for the Christian woman in your life. Select which Bible study you would like to give and then peruse the items to accompany the book.
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Gifts to complement A Heart for the Journey:
1. A Heart for Journey Bible study book.
2. This necklace is a perfect accessory for the woman developing a heart for the journey the Lord has for her. I bought this necklace for my daughter as a thank you for all her help in launching the Bible study book and videos.
3. Start the morning with this “Enjoy the Journey” mug.
4. This soft leather crossbody bag is great for travel. Although the owner needs a sense of humor in that the brand is Clucci, not Gucci!
5. Share this tumbler with a friend to encourage her on who she is in Christ.
6. A great reminder to “Enjoy the Journey” with this simple bracelet.
7. “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me and I will hear you.” Jeremiah 29:13 Wall Art.
8. These beautiful pieces of pottery are a reminder of the treasure in jars of clay (2 Cor. 4:7).
9. Another fun reminder to “Enjoy the Journey” with this wooden wall art.
10. This mug is a great encouragement to remember that God is with us always and will never leave us on the journey.
11. Do a Bible study lesson while enjoying a cup of tea with these Scripture verse tea bags.
12. I love the look of this “I can do all things through Christ” mug!
13. A stainless steel bottle to bring to mind the fact that God’s grace is sufficient for whatever we face on the journey.
14 & 15. Trust in the Lord reminders with these pink or charcoal travel mugs.
16 & 17. Pretty magnet sets to encourage the heart. First and Second.
18. Magnetic page markers to keep your place in the Bible study.
19. In the last week of the Bible study, we talk about fear and how to be strong and courageous as Joshua was. This makes a great accompanying gift for the puzzle lover.
20. Or keep the Scripture close at hand with this Joshua 1:9 key chain.
21. A thermos with Jeremiah 29:11 to remind us that God has good plans.
Gifts to complement Greater Glory:
1. Greater Glory Bible study book.
2. This bangle is a perfect jewelry pairing to encourage with “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31).
3. Start your day with this mug and the reminder to “Let your light shine” (Matt. 5:16).
7. At the end of a Bible study, I like to give my daughter a necklace as a thank you for all her help, especially in video production. This is the necklace I gave to Anna when Greater Glory launched. The beautiful opal glimmers and reminds me of how dazzling God’s glory is.
8. This Psalm 19:1 t-shirt reminds us that indeed “The Heaves declare the glory of God.”
9. I love a good bag. This canvas bag reminds us again of all the glory we see in what God has made. Let’s stand in awe!
10. In the fourth week of Greater Glory, we look at how we can bring God glory through the desires of our heart. This wall hanging shares Psalm 37:4 and reminds us to delight in the Lord.
11. Wooden wall art sharing different Scriptures to encourage.
12. A rustic mug to encourage the woman of faith in your life.
Gifts to Complement At The Well:
1. At the Well – a book for Christian singles that follows the story of Isaac and Rebekah from Genesis 24 and encourages singles to trust God with this area of their lives.
2. Boy, how often do we need to “Be still and know”? I love this water bottle for the reminder that God is God and we can rest in His plan.
3. A simple and sweet bracelet with 2 Cor. 5:7.
4. Use this journal to record favorite Scripture verses or what the Lord is teaching you from the story of the well.
5. A pretty and pink mug with “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him” (Jer. 17:7).
6. Assorted pencil or makeup bags with encouraging verses.
7. Share your hope that “God is bigger” than your doubt, fear, mistakes . . . He is bigger than everything!
8. A spiral bound journal reminding us that all things are possible with God!
9. This simple, yet sweet bracelet beckons us to trust God always, even in the area of relationships.
General Gift Ideas:
Here is a collection of other great items we like, from tees and Scripture prayer cards to Bible highlighters to a great canvas bag!