Does God have a plan for love, dating & marriage?
At The Well will take you on a journey through Genesis 24 where you will discover that God has revealed a most beautiful blueprint for finding love and pursuing marriage in the familiar story of Isaac and Rebekah.
Centered around “the well,” Christian singles will find direction and encouragement as they seek and wait on God for a future spouse.
Are you a Christian single looking for love and hoping one day to be married?
Would you like to trust God with this area of your life?
Do you desire a marriage arranged by the hand of God?
In this book, you will discover God’s plan for finding love and pursuing marriage. As you journey with Kristen through Genesis 24, you will find that God gives a wonderful blueprint in the love story of Isaac and Rebekah.
Through their story, you will learn to seek God, wait upon Him and grow in trust that He will take care of this area of your life. You’ll discover how to prayerfully seek direction in current relationships and recognize the response of your heart when you are in the relationship He designed for YOU.
Want to know where to meet your future spouse?
It’s time to head to the well.

What Our Readers Are Saying
At the Well was an absolute joy to read. As a Christian single in my twenties, this book really hit home on many of the concerns and challenges of being single at this age.
Growing up in church, I have heard countless times about purity, dating, marriage, etc. All of which I am thankful for at those times in my life. However, At the Well does something that no other book/seminar has done, and that is, to take the situation from my perspective and give real answers to the unique challenges posed by being single in my twenties. Especially when surrounded by a host of similar aged people who have seemingly found their life partner.
This book is very balanced with teaching, encouragement, and resources to delve further into a specific area if it relates to me. All of this presented in a kind, easily readable and “non-lecture” presentation.
While I consider this to be a quick read, it really it home for me and immediately makes me want to pass it along to other people I know struggling with being single after college. I would highly recommend this to any young Christian single in their twenties (or after) who needs a little encouragement, teaching, and a reminder of the blessings that come while waiting at the well.
Kristen Tiber has an artful and authentic way of communicating, and an uncompromising voice of truth on a topic that is wrought with confusion and emotion.
Though the book was written with young adults in mind, I am anxious to read it with my teenage daughters and possibly with other girls from their youth group. I don’t think you are ever too young to begin to look at dating and marriage from God’s perspective. I loved her take on the Biblical account of Isaac and Rebekah, and the way she unfolds their story intertwined with her own to take the reader on a journey to discover God’s desire for them.
There are so many wonderful points but this quote from the book perhaps sums it up best. “Marriage has a sweetness when you’re doing life not only together, but also with God at the head.” Isn’t that what we all want for ourselves and for our children?
This is a great example of the way the author held out for just the right person she was supposed to marry! Very inspiring and faith building for someone that is single and waiting for that right person to come along!! This book and way of thinking could save people from many troubles down the road if they could get in this mindset! The author had other chances to cave in her thinking, but didn’t and it paid off!! Must read if you are single and waiting!!
At the Well is an amazing guide for those who want to find the right mate. Marriage should be for life—and it can be if we find the right one. How do we do that? Tiber’s book will show you how using the biblical example of Isaac and Rebekah. She gives wisdom and encouragement to singles to seek God for their future mate. Absolutely loved it and recommending it to all the singles I know!

An encouraging book, for single Christians, offering guidance in the search for God’s will in finding the one He has set aside for them. This book touches on many common questions single Christians have about meeting a Godly spouse. Scripture and personal experiences are intertwined throughout, helping to address questions, such as “Is this the right person for me?” I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book!
Are you anxious to get married? Are you looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect? Do you think God wants input into your future happiness? Then read this book.
I can tell you from personal experience that marrying the wrong person can have devastating effects on your life—not just short term—but for the rest of your life. Don’t make a mistake. Don’t think that you can change who they are today to be who you want tomorrow. Who they are today IS who they will be tomorrow. Don’t shortchange yourself and rush into marriage because you believe marriage will change everything. Marriage can compliment or life or complicate your life. So much depends on who you marry. Get married for the right reasons.
God wants you to be happy and to have a happy future. If you wait for the right person to come along, the timing will be perfect and your life will be everything you want it to be. Learn from the story of Isaac and Rebekkah. Study the story At The Well.
Great read for anyone, especially singles hoping to marry. This book gives such hope for waiting on God’s timing for a spouse. Teens and twenty somethings is the perfect age range for this book, but, it’s really great for parents and anyone else too! Beautifully written!
This book has open my eyes and heart to wait on God. I love this book, and the fact that I can see how God answer prayers to even give you a spouse, He definitely cares for every single detail of our lives . Wait on Him and you will never go wrong.
Excellent! Kristen reminds us all why it’s so important to wait for God’s timing. And also why its so important to marry a Christian! I really enjoyed reading this. Such great writing and easy to read!
This book is full of godly wisdom and Biblical insight to help prepare young adults for the world of dating and ultimately marriage.
What a great resource on teaching us how God, our creator, intended us to find love. Even though I’m married now, I think this is highly advantageous for anyone who is single and looking to build a wholesome relationship; one that will last instead of fizzling out much like many others. Others who are building relationships on how the world views love. Give Jesus a chance! His love never fails
This is a fantastic read for those who are single and desire marriage in their life. It gives wise counsel with scripture as its foundation. This book gave me new perspectives in pursuing a godly wife. It not only helped me develop a new perspective in regards to relationships but also in my life in general. New approaches to how I pray and things to work on to be more like Christ. I encourage all people to read this who desire marriage.
Awesome read! I read this in 2 days, I didn’t want to put it down! I’m defintely waiting on God !

I have hosted many single’s conferences and taught at them as well. In my ministry I have had a special place in my heart for the struggles that singles go through. After reading “At the Well” I see that Kristen has summarized so much of what I know singles need. She hits the “heart” of the matter. Great read! I will make sure the people I minister to know about this book!
In a day when the media and pop culture cheapens or scoffs at romance, Kristen Tiber’s book, “At the Well,” offers believers wise and encouraging counsel from the Scriptures as they wait to find “the One.” Organized around the biblical love story of Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 24, Tiber outlines God’s plan for marriage and, importantly, what healthy relationships look like. Honest and authentic, Tiber weaves the books with her own story of finding her husband, Dan, later in life. She shares about having to learn how to navigate struggles most singles walk through – learning to wait on God’s timing, guarding her heart against heartbreak and the temptation to be “unequally yoked,” and yielding her desires to be married to God’s plan for her life.
My favorite aspect of the book is Tiber’s clear articulation of the biggest love story in the Bible – the gospel – and what it means for every believer, married or single. Throughout the book, she gently pushes her readers to Christ by underscoring the importance of pursuing a relationship with Him above all. She answers hard questions with honesty concerning purity before marriage and offers helpful criteria for evaluating if a person is right for you. The book is full of both spiritual and practical insight for singles in growing in their relationship with Him first.
This book would be a great source of encouragement for college-age girls learning to prioritize their relationship with God or single women who are confused in their search for Mr. Right. In a culture that turns online hook-ups into commodities that engender unhealthy relationships, our world and churches need more Rebekahs – women who prize their relationship with God first and meet him daily at the well.
Being 39 & never married, I’ve read my fair share of books for singles, & this one is definitely in my top 3! She offers a lot of sound, Biblical advice for people who are single, dating, or in the process of getting married.
One reason this book was such a blessing to me is because she offers a perspective that I found missing in several of the other “single” books I’ve read. It seemed like most offered a sort of checklist, kind of like a chain letter…if you do these following things, then God will send you Mr./Mrs. Right within the next 30 days. That always struck me as odd because it seemed to take God’s hand out of the picture. I know that’s not what most of them were ultimately saying, but Kristen offers thoughts that have echoed my own, & truly what we find in God’s Word…submission & surrender. Actively waiting…serving Christ with what He has called you to do today, trusting that He knows your heart, that His timing is perfect, & that He loves you & knows what is best for you!
Thank you Kristen for writing a book that is more from a Christ-centered perspective than from a how-to-finally-find-the-right-one perspective!!! It was refreshing, just like drinking from a well should be!
What a beautiful and inspiring book for single people to read as it guides the readers on the most important aspects of finding the right spouse. It reminds men and women to seek God first before looking for a partner in life. Every area of our lives should be submitted to God even finding a husband or a wife.
At the Well draws parallels between the relationship of Isaac and Rebecca in Genesis 24 and the relationship/marriage preparation of Christians today. The author and I are of different persuasions regarding the ONE or the KIND, but I loved her focus on the need to prepare oneself to have the character and spiritual walk in their own life that they would like to see in a future spouse. The author speaks in a refreshing, open manner that shares wisdom without criticism. A great resource or guide for teens and beyond as they begin to develop relationships with those of the opposite gender, and ultimately desire marriage.
I loved this book and the story behind At The Well. For me it’s a book that reminded me why I married my husband – seeking the Lord’s will in my life. I plan to share this with my teenage daughter to allow her to seek His purpose in her life. Sweet scripture filled each page!
I’m so thankful that Kristen Tiber has provided this much needed message for teens and young adults. Through Scripture and real life examples, she shows us the joy of waiting on God’s plan to be fulfilled in our lives, especially in dating and marriage. I will be recommending this book to the young people in my church and will be sharing it with my own children.
At the Well is a beautifully written book about trusting that God has a plan for you! Definitely an encouraging read that I wish I could have read as a single. A great “add to the shelf” book for teens starting to date and singles and even married couples to read!

I have absolutely LOVED reading Kristen’s book. Being over 40 now and single, I have read LOTS of books on this topic. Most leave you filled with do’s and don’ts for a godly marriage but not many leave you with a road-map to get there. Also, many books for singles are geared toward a younger crowd and don’t offer much more beyond the typical messages of purity and waiting. While her book is written to 20-somethings, I didn’t feel like it wasn’t for me. It speaks wisdom for any age. It was such a refreshing read!
She took a Bible story about Isaac and Rebekah I am so familiar with and expounded on an aspect I have not heard before put quite the way she put it. It’s typical to hear about how God brought them together but it isn’t typical to hear about Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, who waited on God at the well to discover who to select as a wife for Isaac. Through focusing on this and many other aspects of the story, she offered a fresh perspective I haven’t found anywhere else, and quite frankly, it’s the piece I’ve been missing. And Biblically it isn’t anything new, it’s just not the message you typically hear in Christian circles on this topic. I learned about so much more than God’s plan for marriage, I learned about God’s plan for my life!
If you are like me and have read many Christian dating books, I’m telling you, this book is worth the read. As Kristen shares down-to-earth personal stories and experiences that underscore God’s truth and promises, you walk away seeing the reality of God’s benevolent heart for you. And you’re encouraged to WANT to wait on God “at the well” for his timing for everything in your life! It’s written in such a warm and friendly, “no-judgement”, way and is filled with wise, real, and practical advice you can immediately apply. “At the Well” is truly a plan anyone can apply to get on the right road in relationships and in their Christian walk.
I’m excited to share this book with other singles I know. I believe it has the potential to set many people free and be truly life-changing!
Kristen Tiber opens the Word of God about relationships in a beautiful and refreshing way that encourages you as you choose to wait at the well – for the right one, the one God has chosen for you.
May hope spring eternal and the joy of the Lord be your guide – and this book supplement His Word as it brings revelation home. Thank you Kristen.
I can hear Kristen’s passion and excitement for sharing Isaac and Rebekah’s story in her book “At the Well.” Kristen does a great job intertwining her own relationship testimony with the account depicted in Genesis 24. Her writing style is very easy to read and follow. (She finishes her stories along the way!) I will encourage young people to read this book a chapter at a time in order to soak up what is being shared in each chapter. The biblical references and support are fantastic! Thank you, Kristen. I think I need to find a well that I can place somewhere to remind me to meet with Jesus “At the Well” in all of life’s circumstance.
If you are single, young or old, this book is beautiful and heartfelt!!!! It shows the importance of waiting for the right relationship to come along. How to look for a godly partner! Great advice.
At the Well is an awesome read that gives wisdom for the single, married, dating, and broken type of people. With a Christian perspective within, the reader is able to see what God’s word has to say about relationships. I would recommend this read to anyone who might have questions in this area!
I could read this book again and again. The author does a really good job of bringing God’s promises for His people to light through the story of Isaac and Rebekah. It was amazing to see the parallels she drew between their story and our lives today. So much practical advice given not only for dating, but really for all areas of our lives.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. As someone who still hasn’t met the one, it is a great source of reassurance that in Gods time it will happen.

This is a wonderful book for single people to read!! I only wish I would’ve been given this information as a teenager. I think I would’ve made some very different decisions in my life. I love how the focus is on one’s relationship with the Lord first and foremost. This book is full of wisdom. I highly recommend it.
This book is a must read for dating Christians! As a parent of a young dating adult, I found this book as an essential tool to use to guide my own child down the right dating path to finding “the one”. The author provides insightful tips/points to remember while a person in on this journey. Excellent read!
This book is like talking with a big sister who can speak wise truth in a time of life has a lot of questions. The advice is practical, doable and will bring results! The author kept it short and sweet, which is great for busy lifestyles. It’s easy to digest but is full of things to “chew on” during the wait for God’s best in a spouse.
This book so simply and beautifully discusses what is found at the well…not just any well, but the transforming, redeeming and overflowing well of Living Water – Jesus Christ. This is where it all begins, the first step in discovering God’s plan for true love. The author does a splendid job of explaining biblical principles pertinent to understanding this concept. She utilizes biblical passages to support her writing. She focuses on the importance of self-reflection and relationship with God prior to moving into relationship with another individual. I did not have this book prior to my current marriage. Had it been written 6 years ago, my heart may not have been open to the beautiful guidance inside. I am thankful to now have this as a guideline for my daughters (all 4 of mine plus my husband’s 2). I share this with every woman I know; if they are married, they have the ability to forward it to another woman with hopeful impact.